The holodeck is almost here!

My life ...


Imagine what would happen when the technology presented below becomes small enough to be integrated in our mobiles, watches and/or desktop computers.
This could finally mean a new paradigm shift in computer user interfaces.

@Microsoft: please integrate this technology in Windows 9 and let’s make the mouse and touchscreens deprecated input devices.

Vermeer – Microsoft Research
Vermeer is a novel interactive 360° viewable display suitable for a tabletop form factor. It provides viewpoint corrected stereoscopic 3D graphics to simultaneous users 360° around the display, without the need for eyewear or other user instrumentation.

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Helen Arney: Le Geek, C’est Chic!

Glasgow Science Festival

Today’s Glasgow Science Festival spotlight is on the lovely, funny and geeky Helen ArneyhelenWho are you and what do you do?

I’m Helen Arney, I’m a comedan, science presenter, geek songstress and general nerd cheerleader.

What brings you to Glasgow Science Festival this year?

Several things! I’m doing my small-but-perfectly-formed-award-winning solo show “Voice of an Angle” – that’s not a typo, it’s a musical comedy hour all about maths and science. If you enjoyed that maths pun about angles, I expect the whole show will give you a large Hadron… I’m also doing a session about science communication, and a slot at Bright Club with the brilliant Simon Watt – I’m looking forward to seeing the best of Glasgow’s scientists hang up their lab coats and picking up the mic to show us their comedy chops!

When you think of Glasgow, what are the first…

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‘Ungooglable’ – the Schrödinger’s cat of Swedish language

Thatthereengland - does Japan

Search giant Google recently went to extraordinary lengths to make sure something couldn’t be found.

The thing in question was the term ‘ogooglebar’ and Google wanted to make sure that it was either edited or completely removed from the annual list of new words released by the Swedish Language Council.

For the non-Scandinavians ‘ogooglebar’ refers to something that can’t be found using the popular search engine. The direct translation would be something like ‘ungoogleable’. In Sweden it refers to something which can’t be found using a search engine.

Since the Swedish Language Council released its latest list of new words – which included ‘ogoolgebar’ – in December, Google has been pushing the council to amend the definition of the term and add a disclaimer that added that Google is a trademark.

Doing a little research also shows what might just be a random coincidence: ‘ogooglebar’ can’t be translated into English…

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New favourite delegate found – wants to make sci-fi mandatory in school

Thatthereengland - does Japan

Photo by: adactio

I can hardly express just how happy I would have been, if Ray Cantebury had around when I was growing up.

But then gain I’m glad he wasn’t, because then I might have ended up voting for a Republican – or more likely he would have been campaigning a little far afield.

Anyway, what’s great about the West Virginia Republican Ray Cantebury is that he wants everybody to read science fiction. Well, everybody young, that is.

The way Mr. Cantebury wants to achieve this is by making science fiction literature mandatory in the state’s schools.

His proposed bill put it like this:

“To stimulate interest in math and science among students in the public schools of this state, the State Board of Education shall prescribe minimum standards by which samples of grade-appropriate science fiction literature are integrated into the curriculum of existing reading, literature or other required…

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Star Trek? or Journey for the Ignorant?


If you could go live on another planet, would you? Recently the Mars One project has opened applications for a one-way trip to Mars in 2023. The aim is to set up a colony on Mars, amazing right? If…it works out. Could this be the beginning of Star Wars? leading to the discovery of other lifeforms or are just leading some innocents with great potential to their deaths?

The prospect of this possibly changing our course for the future is mind boggling, I would love to be part of the first Jedi Order, however seeing as this is the first time it has been attempted it’s certainly not a decision to be made lightly.

So far, they’ve have received over 20,000 applications from all over the world, of these 20,000 only 24 people will be selected. 


If you are interested in learning more click here:

If you are interested in applying click here: